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Premium Quality / Competitive Prices


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Premium Quality / Competitive Prices


All silage-stretch films produced by us are multilayer blown films with excellent mechanical properties.

More than 30 years of production experience ensure that all Lakufol customers receive a premium product today, when they choose a Lakufol film.

In contrast to many of our competitors, we do not see a quality criteria in the number of layers of a film itself. Films with a variety of individual layers are not automatically better than films with fewer layers. The raw material formulation and the harmonisation and coordination of the raw materials used among each other is decisive for a good quality film.

We produce on multi-layer extruders, with which we can process up to 25 additional different raw material components in our silage stretch film within the individual layers via an ingenious dosing system. We can precisely dose every single component down to the gram range and inject it precisely into the film, where these components have their highest effect, be it in the area of UV stability, elongation, permeability, adhesive strength, gas permeability or other any important requirements.

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This complex interaction of many different resin components is more important for the success of a silage stretch film than the pure number of layers of a film. The accuracy and the number of dosing options as well as the optimal coordination of these different resins in the extruder are decisive for the success: We benefit from more than 50 years of production experience and resin knowledge. This ensures, that the up to 25 possible raw material components are effectively matched to each other for optimal quality and performance control of the final product.

In order to meet the sustainability requirements, all our silage stretch films have a regenerate content of at least 10%. At the same time, we strive to reduce the amount of resin used, as much as possible, in order to relieve the environment. That's why we don't sell weight to the market, but we promise an optimized product performance.

Those, who can make the most of the possibilities of modern production machines today, can benefit from the usage of optimized high-tech resin in the LLDPE sector. Some of these raw materials can be processed with a much lower density than a few years ago. At the same time, however, these special resin types provide significantly improved mechanical properties. Positive changes in this field therefore lead to reduced material consumption and helps saving the environment. Here too, a high number does not - as in the case of the number of layers - allow any conclusions to be made about the quality and performance of the product.

All our products, agra stretch, agra stretch 2S or SILAPAC as well as SILA ECO POWER, are suitable for bale silage whether round or square bales.

For more detailed information about our products, please contact us directly.